Buy One Get One

Sunday, November 20, 2011
As most of you hopefully know by now...Starbucks has had a buy one get one deal on their holiday drinks. It is only between 2-5 and started Thursday and ends today. I think. Anyways. I went on Thursday....on Friday...and...on Saturday. Lets just say I have enjoyed my White Peppermint Mocha's. And no I am not drinking two each time I go.
I am a big fan of this years holiday cups. They make me happy. They make me want to drink more coffee and have more conversations with friends over coffee. It makes me excited for all the conversations that I am going to share with dear friends next week during break and during Christmas break which will be here before we know it.

Last night we played the game of things. It is classic fun. However, people were getting distracted and playing half hearted so I called for a phone collection. As I went around the table I realized I was collecting mostly iphone's. Mine being one of them. Wow. What does that say about us? What does that say about our culture? Our school? My friends? I think it can say a lot of things. But I just want to reiterate that I am thankful for technology but I am not in love with it. I think it is useful and has its place but it should not rule our lives. I think its a great tool but it is not a necessity. Its a luxury. I hope I can maintain that thinking for a long time to come.
I decided that it's about $1,200 right there in a pile. It's almost as close as you can get to seeing a big stack of $20's. Unreal.

I am getting really excited for break. I leave Wednesday afternoon because I am an RA. I have no clue how I am going to be able to run 4 miles on Thursday morning. But Jesus got me through my last race so I am more than positive he can get me through this one.

God is able. 


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