That one time I had finals.
That one time school was over and we had all RA things at the end of the year.
That one time we made a kick butt music video and had the best time doing it.
That one time I have no idea how I have so many various outfits for each scene.
That one time I really like the boy I am dating.
That one time I am now a senior in college. (WHAT)
That one time I started my internship for this summer.
A lot of my friends left/ some of them graduated
I will be sore a lot from work
I will/already have wicked tan lines
I so know it is exactly where I need to be this summer. REST
I went from people to plants.
I moved dorms only to move again when I am back
I am home for a few days trying to do everything and see everyone
I am leaving the country tomorrow.
I am super excited and ready for a crazy adventure.
That one time I am covered in grace and redemption and restoration and love. (Jk thats all the time)
I need to talk to you about something.