And then some.

Monday, February 25, 2013
I have clearly been lacking in motivation to blog. Which I don't really enjoy. I enjoy blogging. But lets not be too hard on myself. Life happens. And I love life. Anyways.

In recent days/this semester I have had the wonderful opportunity to spend massive amounts of time with Mary. She is a total babe. She cracks me up. We might write a book...or at least a children's book of all our adventures. Paige and Mary try to go to the pool. Paige and Mary finally go to the pool. Paige and Mary workout moms. Paige and Mary have sleepovers. Paige and Mary do crops. Its gonna be gripping.

Somehow it is already the week before spring break. A staff for 2013-2014 has been hired. I feel oh so good about it. I am excited and trying to figure out/remember what it looks like to love my current staff and soak up all that I can with them but also love the ladies I will be sharing next year with. I still am not sure what I will be doing this summer. This time last year I was pretty set on the FBCG gig. So now its a little crazy not knowing exactly where I will be at. Be still my soul. It will all get figured out.

In a few short days I will be hitting the road with these ladies.
What more could a girl want? A springbreak trip to North Carolina with these crazy beautiful women. Somehow there is no picture of the 3 of us that I could find. I am sure after next week we will have one or 2. Some of my dreams for next week? Coffee, deep convos, blankets, long walks, seafood, sleep, cooking, laughing till we can't or till we cry, loud music, dancing, books, adventure, rest, breathing deeper, walking slower, extended quiet time. Yes please. All of that. It won't be your classic college girl spring break... because it will be oh so much better, sweeter, richer, deeper, restfull-er. Yep. I am excited.

What a treat

Monday, February 11, 2013
All weekend I kept saying "What a treat." I felt so treasured this weekend. I went home for the first and possibly only time this semester. I went to the doctor and got my car looked at (to make sure it was up for the trek to NC). I wanted the weekend to be life-giving and had decided I would invite someone to go with me as long as it would be life-giving to them as well. I ended up taking Laura Maloney home. It was perfect. She needed to get off campus and I was just the person to deliver the opportunity.

We met my parents at Maggiano's. We felt so classy. It was unreal.
Another aspect of the trip was stopping by the Apple store to see if they could fix my phone. It was an annoying process..which ultimately was unsuccessful. However being downtown Naperville at night was beautiful. Laura and I walked past all the cute stores under the lit up trees. It was cute. Our drive home was also incredibly relaxing/fun. 
It was a winter wonderland. So relaxing. We also had an oatmeal bar for breakfast which is one of my favorite things in life. Again..what a treat. 
I dropped Laura off at a coffee shop on Saturday so she could get work done. I had some time to read and journal and rest. Again...what a treat. 

Overall it was crazy successful. I am so thankful. I had great conversations with my parents. Laura was so fun to spend time with and share home with. And now..back to school life...which is also great.