
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
In Malawi we didn't have running water, and even if we did it probably still wouldn't be safe to brush our teeth with. So we would brush our teeth with the water in our water bottles from the filter. There was a drop off area on the compound that we didn't walk by so that's where tooth brushing took place. The view from that spot was stunning. This picture cant even capture it. There were mountains in the background and no sign of civilization. I would brush my teeth and just reflect on the beauty of God and of His amazing creation. When we would brush our teeth at night it was a whole different experience. The stars were incredible. I would always think of the song Indescribable "you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name". Our God is so big and so powerful!

I would often make jokes about how when I got home I'd go outside and brush my teeth and gaze at Gods beauty. Upon returning when I brushed my teeth in my bathroom in front of the mirror I was crushed by the thoughts in my head. I was reflecting (literally) on my outward looks. It seemed incredible superficial and sad. I should be reflecting on how God made me...He created me in  a way that is beautiful and wonderfully made just like the stars or the landscape of Africa. He knows every hair on my head and every thought on my mind.


  1. I've brushed my teeth outside when camping and thought similar things about God's creation, but never have I come back to the mirror and thought about how it should be the same experience in praising God for the beauty He has created in me. Good perspective. I love it Paige!

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