1. Teachers understand grace and mercy.
Recently I have received mercy and grace from my teachers for things that would not be excused at a large campus. My professors truly want me to succeed and have my best interest at heart. Im also not saying that they let things slide and in the end we will all fail in the real world. Im saying that they don't let the little things turn into big things that make you fail or struggle more than necessary.
2. Friends are friends on a much deeper level.
Its totally normal to ask a friend to pray for you, or to express that you are praying for them. We have a deeper bond in Christ that is unlike other friendships. I've time and time again been reminded that these girls around me will walk through the sufferings and the joys alongside me.
3. You can leave your money on the table, walk away, and know that its safe.
When we go to get our food we first pick a table and set all our stuff down. This includes all our phones, money, ID's etc, and go get our food. There is such a level of trust that we can just do that. Anywhere else in the world it would be gone in a flash. That's one thing that we will have to remember down the road when we leave.
4. Free campus mail.
Today I got a sweet card of encouragement from a friend through our campus mail. You can send mail to any other mail box on campus for free. Ive been told you can also send whole pieces of fruit.
5. Cross campus greetings.
On a campus this size your bound to see someone you know as you walk across campus. Ive only been here a few short months and already I see this happening. On a larger campus you could go an entire day without seeing someone you would say hi to.
6. Chapel
We have the opportunity 3 times a week to not be studying, not be sleeping, not be eating and just focus on the sole purpose of why we LIVE at all!
7. Understanding the true reason for the season.
Again the whole Christmas thing is just so funny to me. I think its just because in my school years before it was focused on being politically correct. Here we have all campus Christmas events, they passed out an advent devotional its just nice :)