I feel insecure. Today. This week. This month. Recently. I feel tired and weak. I feel the constant need to pretend. I feel unheard and unappreciated. I think I have made some big mistakes recently and it hurts me that I am constantly hurting others. I feel like I find a new layer of confusion everyday. I feel far from myself. I feel like my best is not enough so why even strive for that. I know these are lies. I get that. I am fighting it. I know God is faithful...more than I can even fathom. He is good. I believe that. Right now. This moment. Is just harder than others.
I think just writing it out is helping me admit to myself that I am feeling.
I can not wait to go home this weekend. This chance is coming at the perfect moment.
Do not bring up this blog post as a reason to talk to me or ask me how I am. I am fine. I am healthy. I don't want to talk. I need to think and process and be left alone. Sometimes healing hurts.
i like it when you're honest.
love you.