Guest Blog

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
First off I would like to thank Paige for letting me be the first guest blogger on her blog.
Paige is the youngest of 3 children. My older brother Alex and I tried our hardest to raise her as a boy teaching her to play sports and trying to drill the sports knowledge we had acquired into her brain. I can remember being a little kid about 3 years old and hearing that we we’re going to have a new baby sister it was a this point I thought CRAP now we wont be able to go on bike rides anymore (she has since learned how to ride a bike). In my 20 years of living with Paige I have been able to observe and learn the in’s and out’s of her personality. I feel that it is my duty to provide you an “Idiot’s guide to Paige Oler” so here are just a few things to look out for.
To start you need to be wary of your seating position relative to Paige during the dining experience. This is important because if you are sitting next to Paige during a particularly large meal you will find that she becomes Slanty. “Slanty?” This means that Paige might slant your direction and use your shoulder to support her as the food has put her into a “sleep like” state.
Paige is actually her middle name which most people are surprised to hear but with so many Kathryn’s or Katie’s in her early classes as a kid mom wanted her to be different and thank God she did because Paige is different, not in a weird way but in a Paige way she likes to do silly things and as long as it makes her happy it doesn’t matter what other people think.
Paige has blogged about this but I was really happy that I got to work with Paige this summer at All Star Sports. I have had a lot of memories with my little sister and from time to time you might get to hear one but I really treasure those vacations and little trips I’ve gotten to share with her. I know I’m kind of rambling but I really hope that Paige posts this on her birthday and has a great day and am so blessed to have such an awesome sister.

Grant (Paige’s Brother) Guest blogger


  1. Kimberly said...:

    this might be the best guest blog you have ever had.

  1. 1. Guest blogging?! Love it.

    2. Paige, I've learned new things. Also, your brother seems like a keeper.

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