After reading the title of this blog you probably think it's a Paige rant against homeschool. It totally is not. This summer I am taking fine arts online. So far it has been one of the better decisions of my life. Yesterday was the end of week 3. Lets just say that my grade is stunning. Above is the piece of artwork that I am most proud thus far. I draw a pretty fly shoe if I do say so.
Picture this. Tuesday night 10 o'clock eastern time...which means its 11 in Indiana and my things are due at 12 eastern time. I am sitting up at the kitchen table doing my art projects. Grant also decides to grab a piece of paper and starts to draw somethings and my mom is sitting next to us and encouraging us. I said "this is totally what homeschooling would have been like. It was cute. Late night homework at the kitchen table. My mom the art (interior design) major cheering us on. Anyways...I got it all done by 12 eastern time.
If you were going to ask if I recommend fine arts online? I would say YES. 3 weeks in and I am still a huge fan.
Fine arts online? That is a BOLD move! I took classes over the summer as well. Psych and french. It was not... fun... but definitely beneficial! :)