My Version of Psalm 136

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The other night in Covenant we created our own versions of Psalm 136. It was such a great exercise to challenge us to think about things that we are thankful for that are more than surface level or the classic answers. So here is mine:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the God of Gods.
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the Lord of Lords
His love endures forever
To Him who is faithful in placing me in the right place and will continue to do so.
His love endures forever
To Him who gives me strength for each day and does not withhold.
His love endures forever
To Him who is sovereign over our government
His love endures forever
To Him who provides in abundance
His love endures forever
To Him who is made great in my weaknesses
His love endures forever
To Him who places people in my life as beautiful gifts for the exact moment I need them.
His love endures forever
To Him who wakes me up each morning and meets me in new ways all day long.
His love endures forever
To Him who works in ways that I can not fathom
His love endures forever
To Him who does not let my past define my future and is abounding in grace
His love endures forever
To Him who gives me beautiful times of rest and laughter
His love endures forever
To Him who IS and gives me peace in the waves
His love endures forever
To Him who teaches me to trust an step out to Him.
His love endures forever
To Him who sent His son and gave us the holy spirit to teach me how to love.
His love endures forever
To Him who draws me near to abide in Him.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of Heaven.
His love endures forever. 


  1. Kimberly said...:

    love this.
    i also love your blog. who designed it?

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