North Hall Eastside Pass down

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Last night was the North Hall Eastside pass down. It is an event where the current RA's pass down their units to the future RA's along with silly and sometimes sentimental things that have been passed down through the few years that North Hall has existed. Emily got to pass down East 1 East to me! She wrote me a sweet letter in which she wrote my name and her name in puffy paint= dedication. From the first year I got a strip of metal which was part of the building when it was being built. I hope they didn't really need it haha. On the metal pole there is a fleece blindfold that was used for the first initiation. From the second year I got a paper mache (sp?) balloon. It was suppose to be the hall decorations that year but they stuck too far out from the wall. Emily passed down to me her bro/sis dinner sign. I let her borrow a dollar not knowing why and she had the sign laminated and then gave me back a dollar haha. She gave me bamboo too!!! I also got a photo album with each dance move that makes up the East 1 East dance, then Emily and two E1E alum all did the dance. It was special. haha.

It was awesome hearing the letters that each RA wrote to the future RA. They were filled with great advice. Kayla, my RA, who is leaving North Hall next year for the first time in 3 years made us all cry, but it was good. I feel honored to be a part of this community... family.


  1. Emily Larson said...:

    Get ready little girl! =]

  1. Almost couldn't handle it

  1. I'm just now reading this. getting caught up on all the blog action. I love you Paige! I'm glad you are a part of the North Hall family too :)

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