Future College Freshmen

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Last week I got a message from my discipleship group leader asking me and the other girls that graduated last year if we would write some words of advice, things that surprised me, and challenges I dealt with to the girls in the group who would be soon graduating high school. I feel like it was ME who was just doing that the other day! However, I only have 5 weeks left of my freshmen year of college. So there are a few things that I've learned and would like to share with the girls graduating. Here's what I wrote!

Surprises- This year I have been surprised by the extreme growth I’ve gone through. I came to college thinking I had everything pretty well pulled together but God taught me differently. I think I’ve grown a lot in all areas of my life.
I was also surprised by how much I missed d-group honestly. We built really strong bonds and I missed the girls who truly knew me. When I would express this feeling to wise women who advise me they just kept telling me that it would take time just like those deep relationships in high school (they were right).
Struggles- I came into college in a pretty serious, unexpected, long distance dating relationship. I did not plan on being in a relationship when I went into college. I knew that I needed to be focused on making friends and building community at school and I really tried my hardest. However it was very difficult. I found myself crying most Sundays first semester because I was either leaving the home and the boyfriend to go back to school or he was leaving me at school. As much as I tried to tell myself that I was focused on where I was when I was there….I wasn’t.  I am glad I knew the importance that girlfriends would play in my college life because I had tons of people to support me when the relationship ended up not working out. It’s so key to throw yourself into the positive girl friendships because your gonna need them!
I also suffered from syllabus shock. After I got all the syllabi from my classes I went through them to put dates on a big calendar and I got overwhelmed. I now know to remind myself “it’s not ALL due on the same day, and my professors will teach me and prepare me so I will be able to do the assignment when the time comes.” At the beginning of first semester I also got some low grades on papers and tests and I freaked out. I had never gotten grades like that in High School. I called my mom one night telling her how I needed to move home and go to ECC, and that I couldn’t do college (I’m still hereJ).
Another struggle I had was the fact that no one knew my potential. I had tons of people in high school who knew my skills and talents. When I got to college it was really hard because people didn’t know who I was or what I was capable of. No one knew how good I was at planning, organizing, getting things done, or even how funny I was. Thankfully upperclassmen girls in my dorm and my Resident Director figured it out J. They started to pour into my life and it has been an amazing blessing in many different ways.
Spiritual Life- The biggest thing this year for me has been my quiet time. In high school I was terrible at this and was never consistent. This year I wake up in plenty of time for my classes (I get up at 7 and my classes don’t start till 8:55 or 9:25) and after my roommate has left already. I spend time reading the bible and in prayer. It has been an amazing way to start my day and I’ve grown a lot from that time. I also found a “home church” here at school that I attend with Bekah O’Brien from FBCG/D-group. It has been a really special time to see someone from home and worship with people of all ages (chapel is not church).  In chapel I remind myself that if I didn’t like the song I’m sure it meant a lot to someone else. I also try and take notes when special speakers talk or when the message is something close to my heart. That helps me pay attention and helps chapel 3x a week not get boring.
Advice: LOVE LANGUAGES. Find out what your love language is. There are tests online if you don’t already know. My #1 love language is physical touch. I don’t have a sign that says “Physical touch- give me a hug” so I have to be upfront about it. My Mom knew that was my love language and would give me hugs etc. However, people at school won’t pick up on those things so you have to be upfront about it. My #2 love language is words of affirmation. I tell my friends…”I need a hug, or I’m really proud of this accomplishment affirm me!” It seems lame and selfish but it’s important to let your friends know how they can best love you and find out what their love languages are so you know how to best love your friends back! Jesus’ greatest commandment is to love Him and love others, so help others know how to love you and how you can love them!
Exercise. I started running the summer before college and it has been a wonderful “escape” for me. When you exercise your body releases endorphins. “Endorphins make you happy and happy people don’t kill their husbands (roommates, friends etc)” Legally Blond. When I’ve needed to clear my mind or just get away from the dorm or campus I run. I also found friends early on to run with. It doesn’t have to be running but you should find some form of regular exercise at least 3x a week to stay sane.
Food. Eating in college is hard, especially for girls. We tend to bond with friends over ice cream and chocolate. I suggest you try and bond over working out or the Bible.  It’s also hard to learn how to eat at school. I’m sure it’s different at all campus’s but there is probably going to be ice cream and tons of other foods that are not very good for you.  Just be aware of the “freshmen 15” and think about what you eat and make good choices it will pay off in your mood. I always hear it’s not about the number (weight) but more about if you still fit in your jeans.
Did I make the right college choice? There will most likely be a time when you worry about if you made the right college decision or not. You will reevaluate and feel like you don’t belong at the school you picked. From what I am told, this is normal for every freshman to do. Relax. It will pass. God placed you at that school for a reason and for a time such a as this. J
I also was blessed to have a person in my life who was a year older than me and had just recently gone through the same emotions a few months before me. She was a great asset for advice in all areas. If you all have any questions, concerns or anything at all now or in the future and you wanna talk I’m here for you!
Love, Paige


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